December 4, 2009

December 4, 2009, 1st Full Day Home

Winston did great overnight. He went out at 8pm and peed and pooped (hooray!) and then slept through the night until 5am when he needed to go out to pee again. I wish I could say the same for me. I slept on the couch at the top of the stairs so that I could hear him and every time I heard him I got up to see if he'd gotten up. He was only shifting in his sleep. By the time I felt exhausted and tried to really fall asleep myself Josie would thump her tail on the floor at my slightest move. I must have fallen asleep around 4am so I nearly slept through the 5am alarm but Josie got me up (good girl!).

When he went out for his potty break, his leg didn't leak at all so I think maybe we're beyond that now. I lay down again until 6am when he had more pills due and also breakfast. He wanted to go out to go potty again before I actually got him his breakfast and it was probably a good thing. He peed and pooped, but this time it was a bit loose. I decided not to include any canned food with breakfast and see how he did with his regular kibble with a bit of water and Flexicose. He ate it just like normal. I guess I should mention that he is still eating lying down. He had some water afterwards and I watched the weather report on the news (it was 2 degrees when we went out at 6am) and then went back to sleep.

When I got up, I iced his leg. Yesterday he didn't want me near it, but today he said, "Ah, that feels pretty good." It's definitely more swollen today and a bit bruised and when he stands up there's a little bit of fluid around his hock, but this is all normal. At 11am he wanted to go out again and peed. At 11:30 he wanted to go out again. I don't think he needed to go potty so I tried to get him to lie back down but he kept getting up. Finally he went over to the corner and drank some water from the bucket. I have a bucket in the corner so that he can drink standing up, but I also keep a bowl with water in it nearby so that I can offer it to him while he's lying down. Once he finished drinking, he remained standing up, so I figured maybe he wanted to eat lunch standing up. We were a little early, but not that bad, so I got his food and as soon as he saw it he sat down on his bed. I put it on the edge of the bed and ran back upstairs to feed the cat who was screaming at me that I'd forgotten him (he's old and getting a bit senile).

When I came back Winston was lying down and hadn't touched his food. It was cold by then, but I offered him some in my hand and he ate it. I kept trying to get him to eat from the bowl himself but he'd just put his head down so I ended up feeding him the entire bowl by hand and he ate it all. I figured I'd have to give the few pieces left to Josie when he suddenly decided that he'd lick the bowl by himself afterall. Not sure if it's because he doesn't feel good or he was hoping for more canned food. We'll find out at dinner.

After feeding them I put the e-collar back on and tried to grab myself some lunch. He whined a few times while I was upstairs but I couldn't see him so I figured he was still lying down. Once I headed back downstairs to him I found him standing up and whining again. He wanted to go out again. It had been an hour so I took him back out and he peed again and ate some snow. He was pretty restless when we got back inside, but since then has settled back down.

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