December 13, 2009

December 13, 2009, 11 days post TPLO

Today it looks to me like the redness on the inside of Winston's leg is gone.  He's not cooperative about letting me look, so I have to try and sneak peeks as he's walking around on potty breaks.  He switches off lying on one side or the other and I keep hoping that when he's lying on his left leg, I'll be able to look at the inside of it, but no... he keeps it tucked way up under himself.  I finally asked him to sit and pushed him around a little so that his leg was sticking out like a bat wing and I grabbed the camera so that I can compare photos.  The lighting isn't great at this time of day.  Just got it uploaded, and you can see for yourself there's no more redness.  HOORAY!

His attitude is better.  Meaning that he's more active and there are no signs that he's not feeling well.  He's standing up quite a bit to look out the front door and to push at the pen with his nose to let me know that he's tired of being in it.  He's chewing on his nylabones (he has a chicken flavor and a beef flavor one) and he's been squeezing the heck out of his tennis ball.  So far it's intact, but that's only a matter of time before it breaks in half.  We buy a cheap bag of them every once in awhile since he breaks them in half pretty regularly.  He's bored and letting me know it, but there's not much we can do about it yet.  I just have to pet him or talk to him and distract him.  Not much longer before we get to start walking and I think we'll get to carefully take him upstairs.

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