December 16, 2009

December 16, 2009, Day 14 - We're walking again!

Today we started our walks.  For the next two weeks we will walk 2-4 times per day and 5 minutes per walk.  Both pups are really excited to start walking together again, but can't understand why we're turning around so soon.  Winston is walking on his leg better than he was before his surgery and when I told him that was as far as we're going he gave me a look like, "My leg feels better now than when we used to walk around the block... how come we have to go back?"  We walked 4 times and he seems ready for more.

We stopped giving him pain pills yesterday and he seems fine.  I would rather have him be a little bit sore so that he's more careful, but so far I can't tell whether he even feels sore.  Yesterday he came upstairs twice and we had to scold both dogs because Josie was trying to instigate a play session.  She did the puppy tail tuck and started running around the living room and kitchen trying to get him to chase her.  Uh... there's not enough room for two mastiffs to race around any part of our house, nevermind his leg.  Luckily Don was petting Winston while Josie started this so he held on and kept Winston from following.  We told Josie "No" a couple of times and finally she settled down.

Today Winston has come upstairs 3 times in addition to his 4 walks.  He's chewing on chew bones and wandering around the living room to check out all those smells that he didn't get to smell for the past two weeks.  He's also able to get onto the couch which he hasn't been able to do very easily since October.  We let him on the couch because he's big enough to be able to just step sideways off of it.  We don't let him on any beds because he will jump off of them.

The seroma is still there.  It seems like it gets smaller overnight and then as the day goes on it gets a little bigger, but it's still no bigger than it has been.  I'll keep hoping for the best.

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