December 22, 2009

December 22, 2009: Day 20 -- GREAT NEWS!

 It's supposed to snow tonight, so I figured if we were going to get Winston's bandage changed again this week, we'd better get it done today otherwise it will be too hard to get him loaded and unloaded safely.  When we got to AMVS, he started shaking like a little dog.  Poor guy, I feel bad that he's so scared to be there again.  There was a while that he didn't mind going -- hopefully we'll get to that point again.

They took him back to remove the bandage and next thing I knew Dr. Flynn came out and asked if I'd seen the seroma lately.  I said that I'd been peeking at it but that it was hard to get a good look or perpective while it's in the bandage.  He said that it was pretty small and that he didn't think that they could get the bandage tight enough to put enough pressure on it.  He thought it would be a better idea to get Winston moving so that the lymphatic fluids can do their thing (my words, not his).  I know that Winston would rather be walking than laying around in a bandage so this sounded good to me.  Dr Flynn thought they were putting a new bandage on so he went back to see.  He said if it was already on, I could take it off in a day or two.

A few minutes later he came back out with an unbandaged Winston.  The seroma does look smaller.  I felt it and it feels totally different than it did last week.  It's all firm and lumpy with no thin patches that feel like I could poke a finger into it.  HOORAY!

We went for a five minute walk as soon as we got home.  I also let him try going up the stairs.  No problems there.  Later on he had no problems going back down (that's the scary part), so I decided to move him upstairs permanently.  I moved his bed up there and both dogs settled in a circle around his bed like yin and yang.  I tried to get a picture, but by the time I got the camera, Winston sat up and watched our neighbor walk her dog by.  It's a happy picture anyway.

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