December 15, 2009

December 15, 2009: Day 13, staples out

We took Winston to AMVS to have his staples (and stitch) removed and for his 2 week check.  He was scared to be there, but handled it fairly well.  There was some big dog shivering going on.  Poor guy!

Yesterday morning Winston's seroma was nearly gone, but by the time he went to bed, it was larger again.  I did the hot compress thing again last night.  This morning it was down a little, but definitely still there.  When Dr. Flynn brought him back to us after they removed the staples, he asked me about it.  I told him what I've been seeing.  He said that it might be joint fluid leaking from the bone tunnels, and that the incision might open up, and if it does, they can do something about it otherwise they just want to leave it alone because they don't want to risk introducing an infection.  Hmmmmm...... Definitely not what I wanted to hear.  For now, he said to keep doing the compresses and keep watching it.  Now I get to worry worry worry again.  If I think about it too much, I get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.  UGH!  I'll keep doing the compresses and hope for the best (and try not to think too much about it).


  1. Hi Russ & Ellie,
    He seems to feel fine -- eating great & wants to play
