December 24, 2009

December 24, 2009: Day 22 Merry Christmas

We've broken out the dog coats to walk in the snow for the past couple of days.  Today the snow has stopped and it's bright and sunny and beautiful.  The snow on our street is still fluffy and "safe for Winston to walk on", so we've already been out a couple of times today.  We're all so happy and thankful.

Merry Christmas to everyone!


  1. HI Dianne:

    I have been reading your blog since my Yellow Lab Gator had his knee surgery. I found it by accident looking for information after my dog's knee surgery. I check in everyday to see how you and Winston are doing. Our dog Gator had his surgery on December 17th and has been home with a cast since December 18th. We are due to have it removed on December 30th. We haven't had as much trouble as you but we have had our ups and downs. Gator is not in a collar because he doesn't chew on the cast. We've had tons of rain and as you know you can't get the cast wet. I found a place on the internet (Medivet) that sells cast covers for the dogs and it has been a life saver for us. We are in St. Louis, MO so snow hasn't been an issue yet for us. But it has finally gotten rally cold.

    I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog and I have found it so helpful!!! Thank you....and good luck.


    PS - Winston and your other dog are just beautiful and majestic looking!!

  2. Hi Linda,
    I'm glad to hear that Gator is doing well, and I wish him a speedy recovery. Thanks for posting the info about the cast covers!

