December 26, 2009

December 26, 2009: Day 24, All is well

We've had a pleasantly uneventful holiday.  No new snow yesterday but it was COLD.  We bundled the dogs up into their coats and got them out for three walks in addition to regular potty breaks.  At this point there's not much difference between our walks and their potty breaks other than for a potty break we don't put their coats on (trying to encourage speed there...) and Josie isn't on a leash.  They both circle the yard sniffing all the smells.  In the snow, I can see tracks of everyone who's been in the yard.  Cats, rabbits, and even a fox.  The "backyard rabbits" are living under our shed, we can see the hole that they've dug to get under there.  One of these days I'll have to make a little one-way trap door and see if we can get them out of there and finish putting rocks around that side so that they can't easily dig their way under there again.  I just don't have the heart to do it right now when it's so cold and snowy.

Today we woke up to snow.  It showed just enough to cover the bare asphalt on our driveway before it stopped and then it got sunny.  Sunglasses were a must for me on our walks today.  The dogs don't seem to mind, but I'm sure the glare must still affect them.  Our street is snow packed and icy in places.  I could see Winston slip a little every once in awhile.  I tried to keep him walking in the middle rather than towards an edge since that seemed to be more snow and less ice.  Hopefully we'll warm up enough to melt the street soon.  If we don't, I'll have to resort to doing laps in the yard.  I'll open the gate to the front yard and we'll walk the entire perimeter.  It's not bad when we're only walking 5 minutes, but gets boring when we're aiming for 10.  Luckily we're still at 5 for most of this coming week.  Towards the end of the week, we'll start increasing one walk to 10 and then after a couple of days I'll move that to two and then in a couple of days we'll do all three walks at 10 minutes each.

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