April 15, 2009

March, April 2009, 8-10 weeks post-op

The past 2 weeks have been uneventful. Winston is walking well on his leg and we're up to 35-40 minutes per walk.

I took Winston in for his 8 week post-op visit. They took x-rays and said that the bone has fully healed, and everything looks good (and congratulations!). Hooray again! I got to see the x-rays and Dr. Duerr explained where the bone tunnels were and we could see the toggles, and that nothing had moved since the day of surgery.

We're supposed to keep following our discharge instructions and by week 16 he should be back to normal activities. He and Josie will finally be able to really play!

We can take the baby gates down and let him do the stairs by himself. He still can't get up on a bed (no jumping yet), so we moved the baby gates to the bedroom doorways.

Up to this point Winston has been taking Rimadyl twice a day. I asked if he was going to have to continue that for the rest of his life or if we could stop it at some point. They said that I could try stopping it now and see how he does. They thought it was a good idea to have some on hand just in case we went for a long hike and he was sore afterwards, and if that happened, we could prepare for it and give it to him ahead of time.

I stopped giving him Rimadyl, but within 3 days he was definitely more sore so I gave it to him for another week and then stopped it again at week 10 post-op.

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