April 27, 2009

April 26, 2009, 11.75 weeks post-op

The swelling is going down in Winston's leg. You can still see fluid around his hock in the top picture. The second picture shows where they removed the "big" toggle along with the lap sponge bandage doing it's thing. Notice how light colored the scar from the "middle incision" is now. The bottom picture shows how swollen his thigh still is, with the funny wrinkles across it where the skin is being pulled. It's hard to see in these pictures, but if you look closely, they show the little web of rubber bands holding the bandage in place.  Click on the picture to blow it up huge.

I tried him on food. He wasn't really that interested, but when I opened up one of those small cans of Mighty Dog and offered him a chunk of food covered in sauce he at least took it from me. YEAH!!! He took one more piece and then he was done. Well... ok, "sort of yeah". I try to feed him a couple of pieces of the canned food every couple of hours. He's not interested in more than that, but still... it's an improvement. He will also drink a little bit when I offer him water. I have to offer it to him because he does not stand up unless he has to go outside to pee.

No more accidents since the other day.

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