April 19, 2009

April 19 2009, 10.75 weeks post-op

Winston seems worse today. His leg is more swollen and he's not that interested in food. I have some canned dog food on hand that I'd gotten in case he wasn't that interested in food after his surgeries. I mixed some of that in with his food and also didn't try to feed him all that much. Normally he eats 3 meals a day and I feed him 2.5 cups of Iams lamb & rice mixed with just a small amount of water for breakfast and lunch and then 2 cups of food mixed with a little water for dinner. Now I only started the day by putting a cup of food in his dish with a couple of spoonfuls of canned food and warm water to squish it up together. He wasn't interested at first, but ended up eating after some encouragement. At lunch he left some food in his dish. By dinner time I thought I'd try just a half cup of dry mixed with the canned. He ate that but didn't want any more straight canned food when I offered it to him. He's still drinking, but seems bothered that he has to drink lying down.

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