May 11, 2010

Day 5 post left TPLO "explant"

Not much change between yesterday and today other than today Winston stood up to eat instead of being served in bed.  He also seemed a little more concerned about me doing his leg exercises.  He's been standing up more, so maybe his leg is a bit more sore?  He doesn't really stand on it yet (still), so I'm unsure.  Still no word on the results of the lab culture, and as far as I'm concerned no news is good news.

Winston's incision looks good.  The swelling is going down and his skin doesn't feel as warm as it did on day one.

Today it's rainy and gloomy and Winston wanted to wander around the yard during his potty breaks, but we don't want his incision getting wet, so that didn't happen.  He's bored in his pen, but doing ok.

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