May 6, 2010

Left leg TPLO plate removal today

We dropped Winston off this morning for removal of his TPLO plate and a check of the meniscus in his left knee.  Putting him through this again was heart wrenching.  He figured out what was up as we loaded him into the car, and he was not a happy camper.  When we got to AMVS and we went into one of the exam rooms, he started crying and buried his head in Don's lap and begged us in doggy body language NOT to leave him here.  My poor boy.  I wish I could explain that we were trying to make him better.

I chose the DNR option again, and there was a part of me that honestly expected to get a call that Winston had died during surgery.  I wouldn't be surprised if he just gives up.  The hours crept by, and the more time passed without that call, I figured that he'd made it through surgery.

Finally, Dr. Duerr called to say that the surgery had gone well.  He said that a couple of the screws were loose, and he hardly ever sees that, so he's going to send off a culture to the lab to see if there's an underlying infection going on.  Also the meniscus was torn and frayed, so they removed part of it.  He wasn't sure if they were going to keep him overnight or if he could come home later, so he said he'd call back in a couple of hours and make the decision at that time.  After another hour, they called back and decided to keep him overnight.

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