May 1, 2009

May 1, 2009, rain

It's been raining. This is good for us in Colorado; we've been in such a long drought that there are people who moved here even 5 years ago that think this is unusual. This is how it used to be every spring.

The rain makes it hard to keep Winston dry and even harder to keep the bandage from getting wet. I've been putting newspaper bags over his foot and keeping them on with a rubber band so that I can remove them once we get back inside. He's still having a hard time bending his knee enough to keep his foot from dragging. We have to cross cement from the front door to the gate in the yard, so by the time we get across the cement and the flagstones and into the yard and back, the bag over his foot is trashed. They're definitely one time use! I'm also using our big "golf" type umbrella in an attempt to keep him dry. He's only three and a half now, so he grew up in the drought and doesn't know umbrellas since I usually wear a raincoat if I need to stay dry on a walk. The umbrella scares him when he happens to notice it out of the corner of his eye. I try to keep it farther up and back away from his head.

Now when I feel the bottoms of his two middle toes after getting back in the house, they do feel cold to me. They were just outside on the cold wet ground, so each time this happens I decide I'd better wait and check them again a little later. I wait 30 minutes and by that time, I don't feel a difference between my fingers and his toes.

He's eating a little more today. I'm not expecting miracles with his appetite change, so we're taking it slow. He ate a 5.5 oz can of dog food mixed with a quarter cup of kibble for breakfast. I increased that to a half cup of kibble at lunch and he struggled to finish it so I did the same for dinner. I also offered another can before bed.

He's peeing regularly, but no poop. Not really surprising. No input, no output...

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