May 27, 2009

May 27, 2009, 1 week post-antibiotics

We met with the surgeons again at AMVS. They're happy that he seems to be doing well and there is no sign that the infection has come back. We talk some more about the TPLO and the plan for the future. Don wasn't there for the original description of the TPLO surgery, so they spend a little time with him showing him what they'll do and what to expect for recovery. It sounds similar to the Tightrope, but a bit slower.

Prior to this visit, I've been on the internet again reading about TPLOs again. I've read that the outcome isn't always perfect for a knee that has had a previous surgery. I'm prepared for that. I just hope that he's able to use his leg again (even if not perfectly) so that he doesn't have to be on a leash in his own yard for the rest of his life.

We scheduled the TPLO surgery for next Monday, June 1st.

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