June 20, 2009

June 20, 2009 - 3rd PT visit

Well, Winston still seemed pretty sore. He's still mostly toe-touching in the house instead of using his leg. I can't tell if his left leg feels hotter than the right leg... maybe??? It doesn't look any different than it did before, so.... I'll wait and see if things improve. We didn't walk this morning before our PT visit.

Don is helping some friends move today, so I was on my own getting Winston to and from AMVS for his PT appointment. He didn't think a biscuit was enough motivation to go up the ramp by himself, so I got to carry his back end up it for him. Silly thing. Going down the ramp is no problem, though he was still mostly on 3 legs for that. No pressure on the repair, so I'm fine with that.

PT went well, he doesn't mind the laser therapy, and he seemed mostly ok with her picking up his other leg. She only had him stand on the "bad" leg for 2 seconds, and she repeated that 3 times.

Got him loaded up and unloaded at home, no worries and he went up the stairs and lay down for a long nap. I was reading when he suddenly bolted off his bed and hopped across the room on 3 legs. Then he stood there all hunched up and gave me the sad eyes. What is up with that? I told him to lie back down but he wouldn't and so we went outside. He was on 3 legs down the stairs (there's 7 steps) and then toe touching outside. This really made me wonder and of course, worry. What else is new? I decided I'd better give the vet a shout. They wanted me to bring him in so they could look at him. Got him loaded up and headed back to AMVS.

Good news there, they took his temp and it was normal, and the vet who saw him (one of the emergency vets on staff) said that he didn't seem to mind having his leg manipulated, and she couldn't see any signs of swelling, and the tissue looked pink and healthy. They took an x-ray and compared it to the same view as one of the x-rays taken right after surgery and everything looked the same, with the exception that the swelling inside the joint has gone down (hooray!). She thinks it was overuse and sent us home with some pain meds and instructions to rest and then start walking again slowly and for only 5 minutes at a time. If he doesn't get better, call back on Monday when the surgeons are back in the office.

We went home and had a quiet day in the yard and in the house. It's WONDERFUL now that his incision has healed so he can spend time out in the grass while I pull weeds. Ok, this is my life right now with this yard.... but that's another story! Maybe not so exciting an activity, but we're outside listening to the birds and watching for the bunnies and foxes. Winston is on a cable, and I have to keep him pretty close to me so that I can stop him before he jumps up and does something silly if people walk by.

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