June 10, 2009

June 10, 2009, 1 week post-TPLO

I can't believe how easy Winston's recovery has been up to this point. We ran out of pain pills on Monday, and though we could tell that he was a bit more painful after that, it didn't look like he was too uncomfortable and he's still walking on the leg even more than ever.

He had some swelling around his hock last week, but that's all gone now and the incision looks like it's healing nicely.

He's eating just just his Iams Lamb and Rice mixed with a bit of water now, and even stands up sometimes to eat. I never have to offer him water anymore because he always gets up to drink now, so we're seeing definite progress.

He also hasn't shown any signs of being interested in licking or sniffing at his incision. We have been using the satellite dish e-collar up to this point, but I'm switching him to the donut today so that he can get a drink or chew on a chew bone if he needs to.

The passive exercises are just going ok. At some point during a massage of his thigh muscles, I must have pushed too hard and made him yelp. He now gets that worried look when I sit down next to him to start exercising his leg. He puts his mouth around my hand to stop me. I'm watching him closely, and he IS stretching and bending the leg quite a bit on his own, I just don't think that he's pushing the outer limits of the range, so I'm still getting some of that in.

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