March 4, 2010

March 4, 2010: Things that go bump in the night still scare me

I happened to wake up at 4:00am this morning and while I was dozing trying to fall back asleep, I thought I heard a noise downstairs.  It wasn't loud and I kept listening and didn't hear anything more.  I guess I fell back asleep because next thing I knew, the "cat alarm" was going off at 6:15.  Our cat, Tyler's internal clock is a little off and he starts each day by loudly complaining that we haven't fed him his canned breakfast treat.  Sometimes he starts this behavior at 3:00am.  Lately he's been closer to the correct time, but that could have something to do with me chasing him down the hall telling him that it's not time, and he needs to be quiet.

Anyway, my first thought after being slightly annoyed with Tyler, was about Winston.  Was that noise I heard him falling somewhere?  We gave him full stair privileges last week, and since then both of us have been really worried that he's going to fall down them again, or that he's going to hurt himself coming upstairs to let us know that he needs to go potty (Winston likes to spend the night on the couch downstairs since he's still not allowed on the beds).  Don's been leaving a light on so that the stairs aren't completely dark.

When I got up to check on them, I found both dogs downstairs on the couch together, so I have no idea what the noise was.  I'm just thankful that it wasn't Winston.

He's doing really well, and having an easier time walking.  He still doesn't totally engage the pad on that foot when he's standing, but he's getting closer.  I tried a little off leash time in the yard after a long walk this week for the first time, but he wanted to run so I put his leash back on and we went back into the house.  I'll try it again soon, but maybe without Josie out in the yard.

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