February 5, 2010

February 5, 2010: 9 weeks post-op

Not much to report here.  Winston is slightly improved over last week.  He didn't really stand on his left hind leg when there was standing to be done (wating to get his leash on before we head out the door), and kind of limped around on it.  If he had to stand for too long (waiting for ME to put my socks and shoes on before a walk), he'd sit or lie down instead of standing while waitng for my slow pokey self.

Seems as though that's finally changing.  We were getting ready for a walk this week when I decided at the last minute I'd better take a nature break myself before we got out the door.  I shut the bathroom door because sometimes I don't appreciate Josie "helping".  She's so funny; just barges on in and puts her head in my lap for a pet cuz I'm conveniently stuck there.  Anyway.... when I opened the door, Winston was standing right there and had to back up so that I could come out.  Up to this week, he would have stood there or moved forward or sat down or even more likely been laying down nearby.  He wasn't able to put enough weight on that leg to use it to back up.  HOOOORAY!!!!!!!!!!

On Wednesday at 9 weeks, I wondered if he was well enough to try increasing his walks again instead of waiting for two week increments.  We increased one of our walks by 5 minutes and so far so good.  Depending on the weather, maybe we'll bump up the time on a second walk.  We're due for snow on Sunday.  :-(

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