July 21, 2009

July 21, 2009 - on the couch again

Ever since he got the infection Winston hasn't been on either of the couches in the living room, at first because his leg was so unstable that I don't think he could manage it. He could stand on his good left leg, but couldn't manage to lift the bad leg up enough to step onto the couch. He'd also walk up to it in the other direction but you could actually see him think, "now how am I going to do this if I can't stand on that leg?" Poor boy.

After his TPLO surgery he didn't get on either of them again. I'm not sure why.... pain? habit? I don't know. All of a sudden this week he has been lounging about on "the dog couch" just like always. I guess he'll "do stuff" when he's good and ready to do it; at least it seems to be another sign of healing.

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