December 9, 2008

Dec 5-9, 2008 Day 4-8 post-op

Winston is doing really well. He's eating normally, though we've cut his food back because he's not getting any exercise. Normally he eats 7 level cups of Iams lamb & rice, I've only cut him back to 6-6.5 cups of food and he seems to be doing ok on that. His leg is healing nicely. He let me know when it was time to stop with the ice pack. At first it was like he was saying, "Ah... that feels good." and then it started feeling like he was saying, "What the heck are you trying to do to me?" So I stopped, and when we took him for his first physical therapy appointment, they confirmed that it was good to stop at that time. The discharge instructions said to ice it for 3-5 days, and he's ready for it to stop at 3 days (2 days after he came home).

I've been doing range of motion exercises with him and he seems to have full range of motion. I go really super slow with it and never force the movement when he flexes or tries to "take over". I just stop until he relaxes again.

I've noticed that he lies on the surgical leg a lot. I would have thought he'd always be on the other side, but it seems like he's about 50% on either leg.

The swelling has gone down and with support from us, he is going up and down the 7 stairs so that he can be in the main living area with us. We moved the exercise pen to the "dining room" where I usually work at the table. On the stairway, we don't lift his back legs, but we have the sling around his belly with some upward lift to it.

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