December 7, 2009

December 7, 2009: 5 days post TPLO

Winston is doing great so far. He has been standing to eat and drink as of yesterday and he wants to go out a lot more than he is allowed. He keeps standing up and trying to convince us that he really needs to go potty, but then doesn't do anything other than walk around and eat snow. There are times that I can't really blame him. If he's got the cone of shame on, he can't reach the bucket to get a drink. I'm trying to stay near him so that I can leave everything off of him so he can get a drink whenever he needs to. When I leave the house or go to sleep, he gets the cone of shame, and when I run to somewhere else in the house, I've been putting the inflatable donut collar on.

The swelling in his leg has gone down a lot, but now that it's gone down, I can see that he's got a slight seroma (or at least I'm going to assume it's a seroma for now) directly where the tightrope used to be. When we picked him up, they told me that incision was draining A LOT (more than they expected by the way they said it). Once the incision sealed up, there's no where for that fluid to go so it makes sense that he might get a seroma. He doesn't seem to mind me touching it, and it's pretty squishy just like the leg around it, so maybe it's still just part of all of the swelling that he's had. The tissue around the incision looks good and is a nice healthy color and the little bump out is not as large as the last seroma that he got on this same leg with the Tightrope procedure (see December 10, 2008 for a picture). I'm going to keep watching it closely as well as his attitude. If it gets larger I'll try hot compresses, but so far I'm just in the watch state rather than the total worry state :)

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