December 14, 2009

December 14, 2009: 12 days post-TPLO

The seroma on the outside of Winston's leg is mostly gone today.  He's continuing to do better and walking better on the leg when we go out to go potty.  He's definitely ready to start his PT.  Today after he went out for his late morning potty break, I let him try going upstairs to see if he was interested.  He was and actually went up them pretty easily.  Going up is usually harder than going down because he can go down them on three legs.  He just ate lunch and seems like he's going to settle in for a long nap. Once he goes back downstairs, I'll leave him there, I don't want to do the stairs too often at this early stage.

Tomorrow we go get the staples out.  It's a big milestone, but he's got enough scabs still that he'll have to continue wearing the donut until they all fall off.

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