October 19, 2010

Standing on that left back leg?

Since my last blog entry I've been paying more attention to the little details about how Winston uses/doesn't use his back legs.  For a long time after his last surgery, he wouldn't fully stand on his left hind leg.  Most of his weight was on the right leg and he had the left foot down, but I could tell it was more for balance than anything else.

Lately I've been noticing that he really looks like he's standing on that leg.  I can see that the toes are more splayed on the right foot than on the left foot, so I suspect that there's still more weight on the right leg than the left, but he's doing better.  He also doesn't shuffle around as much to push off with the right leg when he stands up.  Again, it's still the right leg doing most of the work, but there's definitely some left leg use.

Amazing how little improvements like this make my day!

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